Friday, May 7, 2010

A Blog & Song for Mama!

Loving them is like Food to my Soul <3

In light of Mother’s Day I would like to blog about the awesome Women in my life.  I Miss them and I'm so home sick right now. :(

When in Doubt? Blog…. its a great to let it all out I guess.


My Mother.

So much to say about this Fun loving, Crazy, Caring, STRONG woman. My momma is always there for me with out judgment. I can talk to her about anything and I always do. Moving about 250 miles away from her has been tough these past few months and knowing I will not see her on Mother’s day for the first time in 26 years kills me a little inside. I miss her so much! I hope my brother makes up for me with showing her enough love for the both of us this Sunday <3

I think I will be calling her every 5 mins just to reassure her that I love her and but it makes me wonder??? Am I calling her for her??? or is it more for me? I will be channeling her when I test my strength with the separation anxiety I am experiencing ,it will take all I have inside not to hop in the car and drive over there this weekend.



My Mima,

This Funny, straightforward, giving, sweet , and precious grandmother has always been by one woMAN support system. I can always count on her for anything as do many others in my family. It’s all in the details with this woman, She knows things about me I don't even realize until she gives to me straight.She's so wonderful the words escape me when trying to write about her.Maybe because as corny as it sounds words cant express how much this woman means to me .I miss her as much as I do my Mom if not more. I love my Mima!


This song is for them <3


You are the queens of my HEART