Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ask Jojo Wednesday

Ask Jojo Wed PicAsk and you Shall receive :

The stories you are about to read are true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Tee hee!


What do I do about imposing in laws?





The key is to set boundaries. You should have done so from the beginning but its not too late! Honesty is the best Policy. Speak with your significant other about it so that he understands what your going thru ..and When he see you draw the line with the in laws it wont effect the relationship. The relationship is the most important part.If that doesn't work, I say fight fire with fire! Be just as annoying and imposing as them and if they tell you something just tell them.. ahhh now you know how I feel??? Hmm.. give them something to think about. The truth is that everyone pretty much goes through this so your not alone FatCAT ! ;)


How do you speak to your younger sister about her dirt bag boyfriend with out sounding like her mom?





My advice to you is be honest. Tell her about your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Tell her that you've been there and done that and you are just looking out for her. In the end all you can do is give your advice. Its up to her to take it. Let her know you will always be there for her no matter what. Good luck to you and your sis!

<3 Jojo


If you have any questions you can comment here or email me @

Your identity will not be disclosed.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter


June 18th is going to Rock!

Bokeh Photography

Although I’m not a professional photographer nor do I see myself being one at any point and time  I must say…I do love taking pictures! I take pictures of myself, my family and friends ,my babe and dogs… I just like having proof of the great moments. I must also admit to having proof of not so great moments. Like the time one of my best friends slipped and fell of a boat and got a concussion. I have pictures of her pale white with a busted lip and glazed eyes. I don't know what is wrong with me but I just started taking pictures of her. I would post them now but Id be dead meat so they stay in the vault…. for now. Anyways back to the subject at hand.. Wow! Can you tell I have ADD? Self diagnosed that is. I have been more and more interested in better quality cameras and taking pictures as the days go by. My fascination at this moment is with Bokeh. In layman's terms basically  a blurry kind of picture with lights but not always, but mostly out-of-focus areas of an image. I have posted some below to share the coolness. <3








I hope to get settled here soon so I can possibly start taking photography classes. :) I cant wait!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Music Monday


# Now Playing :

Estelle – Wait a minute – Just a Touch

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random Posts



Guilty Pleasures

Oh Sunday! You have arrived. One more day of freedom before I head back to work. I will just be home all day and do absolutely nothing. and while I sit at home  and vegetate I must visit one of my Guilty Pleasures Ppl of Wal-Mart dot Com  . I always laugh at this website. It can cheer me up on the most stressful day.  The site has pictures, stories and more. I hope all of you on the world wide web come across this pictures and laugh just as much as me. Happidy Sunday to you.. and next time your at Wal-Mart take a good look around, you might see someone post worthy.. Hmmm.. I know I'll be on the Look out!


::rubbing eyes::  is thata chicken?




What the?




Lack of Choices….


Chongalicous… Sharpie anyone?


They Do Exist!


This is unthinkable and though it is kinda funny. I get sad knowing someone would do that to their Dog.


Ay Caramba!





Saturday, March 27, 2010

A- Z Question’s about Me <3

A: Age: 26 as of September.

old picks 2 779

B: Bed: Queen- hoping to Upgrade to a California King Soon

C: Coffee: No thanks,

D: Drink: Coke… MmMmmmm

E: Eat: Onion Bagels with Chive Cream Cheese

F: Fruits: Bananas

G: Going out: Date Night with my future Hubbs <3 Anything from watching TV at home to Dinner and Movie and Beyond <3

old picks 2 749

H: Hot places I like to shop at: Well, Its a bit difficult because me being plus size and all. Marianne, Madrag and Hot topic are the ones I Heart the most.


J: Jump in the car to go to: As of now… Unfortunately Just to work and back. Hopefully that will change as I get to know this new city.

K: Kind Person: I Believe so. I don't really do anything maliciously but don't cross me bitches because I can be vengeful. My Policy is an EYE for an EYE

L: Love: All we need is LOVE! <3

M: Make: Love as often as possible. :x

old picks 2 632

N: No I will not: Smoke or Drink.. But people always think I’m High or Drunk.. Go figure?

O: I'm open to everyone I don't judge people… Ha! Who am I Kidding? I do Judge. Hey just being honest!  but I am Open to everyone all types of different people.

P: Parents: My mom is  Dulce- She is 42 going on 21. She's the life of the party and will let you know how it is  rather you like it or not. She married my pops and had me and my brother at a young age so now that we are all grown up she just wants to party and vacation. I love that's she's so young at a heart & I can talk to her about anything.

old picks 2 002

My Pops is Jesus- He is funny and Sweet and has always been there for me growing up. I guess I must have just called him with my mind or my blog because he just randomly called me to see how I was doing. He loves to go Spear Fishing and He is just an all around a great guy.

Old Comp 154

Q: Quotes: Your Mom.

R: Rent: DVD’s

S: Siblings: Blood. I have 2 younger brothers

Ernesto Aka E-dog Aka Big Easy


Funny & Loyal. He will always be someone I can talk to about anything and everything. We are just 2 years apart so we have a lot of the same interest.

Danny Aka Litto D


Smart and Sweet , He has so much potential. I cant wait to see what a great person he turns out be.

T: TV: For me, TV = LOVE

If it wasn't for My DVR I swear I'd rather stay home and watch my shows then anything else.

My Top 10 are as follows:

30 min shows

1. How I Met your Mother

2. Accidently on Purpose

3. The Office

4. 30 Rock

5. Family Guy


1.True Blood


2.Grey’s Anatomy

3. Private Practice



There are so many more but not enough room here to name them.

U: Underwear: UnderArmor

V: Vans- I think guys that were Vans and Chuck Taylor’s are HOTT

W: What I like to wear?: Depends on my Mood. But Comfy-ness is always a factor

X: Hmmm.. don't know what to write here.

Y: Your fave color: Black. Weird huh? but its true

Z: Zoo animal? Giraffe! They are Huge! Its incredible.

Getting to know me is fun huh?

Booook Love <3

I  came across an adorable picture of this color coordinated book shelf and fell in LOVE. I Googled some more fabulous images to share with you guys :) I have also shared some witty book quotes.

Enjoy <3


“Never lend books, for no one ever returns them. The only books I have in my library are books that other folks have leant me.”


“Outside of a dog, a book is your best friend, and inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.”


“Never judge a book by its movie.”


“A book is a gift you can open again and again.


Have a Happy Saturday to All <3

Oh and just because I’m 26 c:


Friday, March 26, 2010

Creepy Crackle Barrel



I recently had lunch the famous Crackle Barrel with my BABEZ but could hardly keep my food down due to the creepy vintage photographs that were all over the walls. I couldn't stop staring at them and lost my appetite. I know a lot of people look at the photographs as ART and Beauty,but?…. isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?  and if that's the case then there is nothing beautiful about this. It’s just scary and makes me think of ghost for w/e reason. Wow I have issues. lol. Anyhoo I cant get these images out of my head so I thought. Hmmm.. Just like transference of emotions.. maybe I can share these images with the web and one of you could go to sleep thinking of these instead of ME!

Good Night and Good Luck!














Thursday, March 25, 2010

From Miami to Orlando


Hello World Wide Web,

Now that I have started to blog again I wanted to catch you up on my life. February 1st. I picked up all my things and moved to Orlando ,Fl The land of Mickey Mouse and Tourist :) It has been a bittersweet transition for me but I have no regrets! I'm extremely happy today because I finally got approved for my new apartment! that makes it official! whoot whoot! I'm excited and scared and a bunch of other emotions I don't feel like exploring at the moment. I expect this year to be full of new things… and a lot of trips to Disney Theme Parks and etc. lol


Now I wouldn't be me unless I start making plans so My Check List is as follows :

  • Get Annual Passes to all Theme Parks
  • Get my new pets a new Vet
  • Set up my guest room so family and friends can come visit
  • Start Realtor Classes
  • Start Photography Class
  • Organize all my photos
  • Start Scrapbooking

Lets see how this goes. :)

Wish me luck World.


                                                                                        ------ Jojo

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ask Jojo Wednesday

Ask and you Shall receive :

The stories you are about to read are true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Tee hee!

I'm 16 and Ive been going out with my boyfriend for 7 months . He doesn't pressure me to have sex but I think I want to go ahead and do it with him. I love him. Do you think I should go for it? I dont want to end up preggo so I'm scared.



Love Bug,

My Advice to you and anyone 18 and younger is to wait longer. You are still young and I dont want you to do something you might regret. If you do not want to wait. Then BE PREPARED! Im talking BIRTH CONTROL and CONDOMS. Do not rely on him. If your old enough to have sex then you should be old enough to prepare yourself. Being " Preggo" is the least of your worries mama. There are so many STD's out there its not even funny. I know young love is exciting and new but be responsible. You dont want to end up on MTV's 16 and Pregnant... or worse. There's plenty of time to have fun and have sex so take it slow. Hope this helps!

If your heart says yes, but your mind says no. Which one should I listen to?

I found that in life, your heart knows best for short-term. I say the head makes better decisions for the long run.Passion cools over time and tell me? What will be left when it does? Maybe you should write a pros and cons list depending on what your head and heart say and see what the out come is. Good luck!
Should you turn your back on your family if they are no good for you?


This is a tough question. I guess it depends on your situation. No one has a perfect family. We all have our ups and downs. We have to picture our selves in other ppls shoes, especially if they are family try to be there for them. Now.. If you 've been there no matter what and just cant deal any longer, My advice is " The PHASEOUT" Slowly but surely phaze them out. No drama. No shows! Just do you and dont worry about anyone else. Its easy for other peoples Drama to become your own. You have to have boundries and try hard not to let unnecessary things bring you down. Be Strong.

This Little Piggy is tired so that's all for now! If you don't see your Question here check back next Wednesday! :)

Happy Hump Day !

Dont forget to follow me on Twitter <3