The stories you are about to read are true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Tee hee!
I'm 16 and Ive been going out with my boyfriend for 7 months . He doesn't pressure me to have sex but I think I want to go ahead and do it with him. I love him. Do you think I should go for it? I dont want to end up preggo so I'm scared.
Love Bug,
My Advice to you and anyone 18 and younger is to wait longer. You are still young and I dont want you to do something you might regret. If you do not want to wait. Then BE PREPARED! Im talking BIRTH CONTROL and CONDOMS. Do not rely on him. If your old enough to have sex then you should be old enough to prepare yourself. Being " Preggo" is the least of your worries mama. There are so many STD's out there its not even funny. I know young love is exciting and new but be responsible. You dont want to end up on MTV's 16 and Pregnant... or worse. There's plenty of time to have fun and have sex so take it slow. Hope this helps!
If your heart says yes, but your mind says no. Which one should I listen to?
I found that in life, your heart knows best for short-term. I say the head makes better decisions for the long run.Passion cools over time and tell me? What will be left when it does? Maybe you should write a pros and cons list depending on what your head and heart say and see what the out come is. Good luck!
Should you turn your back on your family if they are no good for you?
This is a tough question. I guess it depends on your situation. No one has a perfect family. We all have our ups and downs. We have to picture our selves in other ppls shoes, especially if they are family try to be there for them. Now.. If you 've been there no matter what and just cant deal any longer, My advice is " The PHASEOUT" Slowly but surely phaze them out. No drama. No shows! Just do you and dont worry about anyone else. Its easy for other peoples Drama to become your own. You have to have boundries and try hard not to let unnecessary things bring you down. Be Strong.
This Little Piggy is tired so that's all for now! If you don't see your Question here check back next Wednesday! :)
Happy Hump Day !
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